Is Online Shopping Safe In Philippines? Not 100%!

Online shopping in the Philippines is not totally safe, with more of us clicking to buy than ever before. It’s fast and convenient, and you can do it from the comfort of your home – no need to battle through traffic or stand in long queues!

But hold on!

Have you ever stopped to wonder, “Is online shopping safe in Philippines?” Many Filipino shoppers are asking the same thing, especially with stories of online scams and fraud making the rounds. It’s a big world out there on the internet, and not everyone plays by the rules.

So, let’s discuss Philippine online shopping safety. We’ll talk about real concerns like stolen credit card info and dodgy websites that look too good to be true.

But don’t worry! As a sulit online deals expert shopper myself, I will give you the best tips and tricks to keep your online shopping safe and fun.

Is Online Shopping Safe In Philippines?

Online shopping in the Philippines is booming! Every day, there’s a new online store popping up, offering everything you can imagine. From gadgets and clothes to groceries, you name it, and you can probably find it online. But how safe is it to shop online here in the Philippines?

The Popularity And Risks Of Online Shopping

Online shopping is popular because it’s so convenient. But, with this ease come risks, and they’re not small:

  • Everyone’s Going Digital: More and more Filipinos are shopping online. But as we enjoy this digital shopping spree, it’s crucial to remember that risks like online scams and data theft are lurking around.

  • Rise in Cyber Threats: As our streets get busier with shoppers, like in Divisoria in Manila, they also attract pickpockets. It’s the same online. As more of us shop on the internet, the risk of encountering cybercrimes like fraud and hacking goes up.

  • Sneaky Scams: It’s not just about clicking on a bad link anymore. Scammers have upped their game. They’re finding smarter ways to trick us, like creating fake websites that look real or sending emails that seem legit. So be sure that you know how to spot fake products online in Philippines to avoid those costly problems

  • Increased Phishing Attempts: As shopping online gets popular, phishing scams are also on the rise, tricking shoppers into revealing sensitive information.

Statistics On Online Shopping Safety Concerns

You might be thinking, “Is it really that risky to shop online?” Well, here’s what the numbers say:

  • How Worried Are We?: A study by TransUnion found that a huge 93% of Filipinos are worried about online fraud. And why not? It’s our hard-earned money at stake​​.

  • The Black Friday Example: During the Black Friday sales in 2023, 12.8% of online shopping transactions in the Philippines were suspected to be scams. That’s higher than what many other places experience​​.

So, what’s the takeaway? Online shopping is great – it’s like having the SM Mega Mall and Robinson’s Place at your fingertips. 

Is online shopping safe in Philippines? Well, like crossing the road, we need to look left and right – in this case, for scams and risks because it is not 100% safe! Stay tuned because I’m going to share some tips and tricks to keep your online shopping safe and fun.

is online shopping safe in Philippines - A photo of a couple excited to buy online

What Are The Common Online Shopping Frauds In The Philippines?

Now, let’s cover something important – the scams and frauds in online shopping here in the Philippines. It’s like when you’re enjoying a delicious meal but need to watch out for bones.

Types Of Frauds And Scams

The online world is full of surprises, and not all of them are good. Let me tell you about the online shopping scams in Philippines that are out there:

  • Phishing Scams: Imagine getting an email that looks like it’s from a big online store like Lazada or Shopee, but it’s actually a trick to get your personal details. That’s phishing! These emails can look convincing!

  • Identity Theft: This is when someone steals your personal information to buy things in your name. They secretly take your payment options, like your credit card, out for a shopping spree.

  • Account Takeover: Here, someone gets into your online shopping account and starts buying things or changing your account details. It’s like someone sneaking into your house and taking control of your stuff.

  • False Advertising Scams: Ever seen those ads for a cheap phone or gadget? But when you buy it, it’s either fake or never arrives? That’s what this scam is all about. Too good to be true prices that end up costing you.

  • Online Selling Scams: These are really common, especially on Facebook and Tiktok. You might see something for sulit sale online, pay for it, but the item never arrives.

Analyzing Real Cases And Reports

Let’s get real with some actual cases and reports from right here in the Philippines:

  • High Scam Rates: Did you know the Philippines has one of the highest shopping scam rates in Asia? A shocking 35.9% of shopping scams reported in Asia come from our country​​​​. That’s a lot, and it tells us we need to be extra careful.

  • Quick Response to Scams: Many Filipinos, about 24.8%, tend to respond hastily to scammers’ demands. And 21.1% of us take risks even when things seem uncertain​​. It shows we need to pause and think before acting.

  • Reported Incidents: If you ever come across a scam, know that you’re not alone and you should report it. Report them to the NBI Anti-Fraud Division at (02) 8525-4093 or by e-mail at You may also send a message through the NBI’s website at or their official Facebook account.

So, there you go, friends. Online shopping is great, but you’ve got to watch out for the tricky parts. Stay alert, stay informed, and let’s keep our online shopping fun and safe!

is online shopping safe in Philippines - A photo of two friends buying in a mall

Best Practices For Safe Online Shopping In The Philippines

With all the things we can buy online in the Philippines, we’ve got to be smart about it. I’ve got some tips and tricks that I always use, and they really work.

Tips For Secure Transactions

Shopping online is fun, but let’s make sure it’s safe too. Here are some tips to keep your transactions secure:

  • Familiar Websites Are Safer: I stick to websites I know, like Lazada or Shopee. One time, I saw a great deal on a new site for headphones, but I couldn’t find any reviews about the store. So, I decided not to risk it.

  • Secure Websites Are a Must: I always check for “https://” in the website’s address. This one time, I almost bought a watch from a site without it. I stopped when I realized it wasn’t secure.

  • Strong Passwords Protect You: I use complex passwords, mixing up letters, numbers, and symbols. For instance, instead of using something simple like “sunnyday123”, I’d go for something like “SuNnY$1d@y123!”.

  • Credit Cards Offer More Protection: Whenever I can, I use my credit card because it offers more security than my debit card. Once, my friend’s debit card details were stolen, and it was a hassle. Credit cards usually have better fraud protection.

  • Keep Personal Info Private: I never share my credit card details unless it’s a secure checkout. And I never send these details over email or text.

  • Avoid Public Wi-Fi for Shopping: I wait to shop until I’m on my home Wi-Fi. Public networks can be insecure. Once, a friend shopped using a mall’s Wi-Fi and her account got hacked.

  • Check Your Bank Statements Regularly: Every month, I go through my bank statements. This one time, I spotted a weird charge and reported it immediately. It turned out to be a fraudulent charge!

Recognizing Secure And Unsafe Shopping Platforms

Knowing which online platforms are safe for shopping is one of the crucial tips for safe online shopping in Philippines. I’ve developed a method to differentiate the secure ones from the risky ones. Here’s how I do it:

  • HTTPS Sites Are Safer: Whenever I shop, I make sure the website’s address starts with “https://”. This little ‘s’ means the site uses encryption to protect my data. For instance, when I shop on sites like Shein or Zalora, I always check for this in the address bar.

  • Trustworthy Payment Methods: Secure payment options are a big deal for me. I prefer sites that offer well-known methods like PayPal, GCash, Maya, or bank credit cards with extra security features. GCash, for example, adds a layer of protection because I don’t have to share my card details directly with the site.

  • Big Shopping Platforms: Bigger platforms tend to invest more in security. I often shop on Lazada to get the best sulit online deals in the Philippines because they have measures to protect buyers, like the Lazada Money Back Guarantee, which holds the payment until I confirm receipt of my order. It gives me peace of mind knowing there’s a system to protect my purchases.

  • Reading Customer Reviews: Before I hit the ‘buy’ button, I always read what others have said about the product and seller. Sites like Lazada have a review section where customers post their experiences and ratings. Positive reviews and high ratings are good indicators.

Online Shopping Safety In Philippines: Conclusion

So, is online shopping safe in Philippines? Well, it can be, as long as you shop smartly. Just like navigating through a busy street in Metro Manila, online shopping requires awareness and caution. As you continue to look for sulit online deals in the Philippines, keep these practices in mind. By doing so, you’re buying online goods while investing in your security and peace of mind. Online shopping in the Philippines is indeed a convenient and exciting venture, and with the right precautions, it can also be a safe one.

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